Frequently Asked Questions
When are the water bills sent out?
Water meter readings are taken on or around the 20th day of the month or quarter.
Commercial accounts are billed monthly. The bills are sent out the first week of the month and due in our office by the last business day of that same month.
Residential accounts are billed quarterly. See the below schedule of then bills are sent out. They are due in our office by the last business day of that same month.
1st Quarter – Dec. 20 – Mar. 20, billing is sent out the first week of April.
2nd Quarter - Mar. 20 – Jun. 20, billing is sent out the first week of July.
3rd Quarter - Jul. 20 – Sep. 20, billing is sent out the first week of October.
4th Quarter - Sep. 20 – Dec. 20, billing is sent out the first week of January.
Can I have my penalty removed because I didn't receive my bill?
Failure to receive a bill shall not exempt any customer from the obligation to pay the bill by its due date.
The bills are sent out and are due the same months/quarters ever year. These time frames will never change.
There is 2 options on how you can receive your bill. E-mail or general mail.
If you would like to sign up E-mail bill please visit the FORMS page, and never miss a bill again. You can also come into our office 7:00AM - 3:30PM Mon- Fri or send us an email ( to request a new copy of your bill
Why do I still get a water bill if I am temporarily not living in the home and did not use water?
All Customers shall receive a minimum bill based on their meter size, regardless of whether water is used or not for any billing period, as adopted by the Board of the Whitehall Township Authority on November 18, 2019 by Resolution 7-2019.
Why is my water consumption higher?
There are a couple of reasons that could cause your water consumption to be higher. Leaky toilets, faucets, water softeners, outdoor hose bibs, and water heaters can increase water consumption. Leaky toilets are usually the #1 cause as to why your water consumption has increased. If your toilet is making any kind of hissing noise or not shutting down correctly after flushing, have it checked and fixed, to avoid high water consumption.
It is common in the summer months for consumption to be higher due to customers filling swimming pools, gardening/landscaping, and washing vehicles.
How do I check for leaks?
Locate your water meter - it will be INSIDE your home, usually located in the basement or in a utility closet.
Write down the meter reading before you go to bed, after everyone is done using water.
DO NOT use any water throughout the night.
Check the meter reading first thing in the morning.
If the readings are the same, there is no current leak, but something like a toilet flapper could of gotten stuck after flushing causing higher usage in the previous months.
If the reading has increased, water was used, indicating that water is being used when it is not supposed to be. Something like a toilet flapper could of gotten stuck after flushing causing higher usage in the previous months. You can turn the valves off at each sink and toilet until the reading on the water meter stops moving.
Do I still need to pay the bill if I had a leak?
Unfortunately leaks happen, but yes the water was used and it is the homeowners responsibility to pay the bill, or we have the option to set up a payment plan for the balance of the leak bill.
This is why it is so important that if you hear or see something leaking to fix it right away (or shut off the source of water to the fixture if you cannot do a repair right away).
If you think a leaking faucet or toilet "CAN'T CAUSE THAT MUCH DAMAGE" to your water bill, take a look below at our leak chart, and you'll be amazed at what a tiny leak can do to the addition to your normal water usage over a three month period.
Click here -> Water Leak Chart
Why do I have low water pressure?
The first thing we ask customers is if the water pressure is low throughout the entire home or just one specific fixture? If you are experiencing low pressure throughout the entire home, and we do not have a system issue, we ask if they have a water softener. If the answer is yes, we ask the customer to by-pass the water softener to see if the water pressure is restored. If the water pressure is normal, the problem may be the water softener. When a water softener malfunctions, the debris may back up into the fixtures in the home.
If the answer is no, we will send an employee to check the pressure in your home.
Are my pipes rattling due to high water pressure?
Most likely no, make sure your pipes are properly fastened to avoid a vibration or water hammer.
What if my pressure is higher or lower then desired inside my building or residence?
The Whitehall Township Authority operates and maintains water distribution system pressures in compliance with the current operating requirements/standards set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) design standards and the Pennsylvania Code, Chapter 65 "Water Service".
Where a customer considers prevailing pressures to be higher or lower than desired inside their building or residence, the customer may consider the following:
A) High Pressure: The customer may, at their own expense, install and maintain a pressure control valve after the backflow preventer inside their building or residence.
B) Low Pressure: The customer may, at their own expense, install and maintain a pressure boosting system after the backflow preventer inside their building or residence.
Why is the water so hard and is there anything you can do about it?
The Lehigh Valley Area has naturally occurring hard water. Hard water is high in dissolved minerals, largely calcium and magnesium. Disadvantages of hardness include the formation of soap scum, cloud-like stains, clogged pipes, dry skin and hair, faded and brittle laundry, and corrosion and deteriorated appliances.
As the Water Authority, there is nothing we can do for the hardness in the water unfortunately as it is naturally occurring. You as the homeowner can make the personal preference to install a Water Softener in your property, at your own expense.
We do recommend that you flush your water heater every four to six months, or two to three times a year. Hard water contains excess minerals that can quickly lead to sediment buildup inside your water heater. Flushing on a regular basis will prolong the life of the appliance.
I am installing a water softener what is the hardness and PH level of the water?
The hardness of our water is 12.85-17.52 grains per gallon or 220-300 milligrams per liter. The PH is 7.0 or higher.
Is there Fluoride in the water?
No, we do not add Fluoride to our water system. (Please view the Water Quality Reports to find out more information about our Water System).